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Solution to the slow shutdown of LXDE based desktop operating system

Generally, users install LXDE environment on their Linux distros so they can smoothly run their OS' inspite of their slow hardware, nevertheless of the decrease in feature due to a different environment the bash terminal is always the most powerful option in terms of both customisability and performance.

New users may experience a small bug, that can be easily fixed if you follow my instructions.

The problem user's face is as follows: While shutting down in the LXDE environment the stopping service keeps running in the background, which slows the shutdown process, when you press the Escape or the Up arrow key you will see that the system allots each process a time of around 180 seconds to stop and then force stops it.

The problem can thus be solved directly by changing that time as  per your convenience. (like 10 seconds, maybe)

This can easily done by editing the file


Thus, do the following commands per line

cd /
vi /etc/systemd/system.conf

Then go to the line #DefaultTimeoutStopSec=10s

When your cursor reaches # just press x

This will  delete the # and uncomment that line.

Finally save the file by


If you are unable to save that file it might be possible that the file you are accessing has a swap copy (or swap version) already there in the same directory

Hence first see whether a hidden file exists or not.

For example, see for the following type of files


By using the command:

ls -a

And then, delete it using :

rm .system.conf.swp

Usually, I recommend to start using super user privileges using :

sudo su


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